
Blidol is a dependable haemostat: hastens the clotting process. Blidol arrests the flow of blood by contracting and decreasing the permeability of the vessels, increases the tone and strength of capillaries.

S.No Name of Ingredients Qty. in mg. per tablet
1 Sphatika Shudh 30 mg
2 Geru 30 mg
3 Mochras (Exd.) (Salmalia malabarica) 38 mg
4 Godanti Bhasma 45 mg
5 Shankh Jadaav Bhasma 52 mg
6 Shukti Bhasma 60 mg
7 Soveer Bhasma 60 mg
8 Katha (Ht.Wd.) (Acacia catechu) 90 mg
9 Excipient Q.S.  


Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, polymenorrhoea, post –intra uterine contraceptive devices (post IUCD) spotting and bleeding , gastro- intestinal bleeding, bleeding gums, bleeding piles and other haemorrhages.