
Destrol is an indigenous preparation comprising of herbs and drugs, having no side effects like other synthetic drugs available in the market, and can be used for long durations.

Destrol has antidysenteric and spasmolytic action, reduces immediately the number and freqency of stools and promptly returns to normal stool consistency, checks the excessive passage of the stool too, gives releif from concurrent symptons of abdominal pain, griping and tenesmus.

S.No Name of Ingredients Qty. in mg. per tablet
1 Mochras 43 mg
2 Bale Giri 63 mg
3 Saunf 43 mg
4 Podina 43/td>
5 Heeng 8 mg
6 Gond 87 mg
7 Kharia 168 mg
8 Ral 42 mg
9 Inderjau 7 mg
10 Kurachhal 36 mg
11 Medicinal Opium 9.66 mg


Acute and chronic diarrhoea & dysentery (amoebic & bacillary), Summer diarrhoea, travel diarrhoea, non-specific diarrhoea.


Adults 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the physician.


Sealed bottle of 500 tablets and 200 tablets box of blister pack.