
Piline is anti-inflammatory and anti-haemorrhagic. It reduces venous engorgement and turgidity, relieves hepatic congestion, improves blood circulation which reduces congestion in the haemorrhoids, controls bleeding and gives rapid relief in ano-rectal pruritus.

Piline has a mild laxative action too, which helps in passing stool. Operation can be avoided in advanced cases of Piles with PILINE if taken for two weeks. Piline reduces inflammation and helps prevent recurrence.

S.No Name of Ingredients Qty. in mg. per tablet
1 Shukti Bhasma (Rastantersar) 28
2 Aqiq Bhasma (Rastantersar) 37
3 Surma Bhasma (Bhavparkash) 66
4 Godanti Bhasma (Rastantersar) 47
5 Shankh Bhasma (Rastantersar) 19
6 Katha 84
7 Rasaut 66
8 Mochras 42
9 Anjubar 66
10 Harar 47
11 Nagkesar 23


Piles, haemorrhoids, external/internal bleeding or non-bleeding.

Recommendation :

The addition of Blidol checks bleeding still faster.


Adults: 2 tablets three times a day or as directed by the physician..


Sealed bottles of 500 tablets and 100 tablets.