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Laxeen Strong

Laxeen Strong is an indigenous laxative and a mild purgative. it is a new combination which does not form a habit. It is a preperation of nine indigenous drugs which acts as a laxative as well as purgative. Neither it produces the atony of muscles like other purgatives nor gives any irritation to the gastric mucous membrane. It is active only when it reaches the intestines. Laxeen Strong assures normal consistency of stools, fluid and electrolyte balance.


S.No Name of Ingredients Qty. in mg. per tablet
1 Scammony Resin 125
2 Harrar 67
3 Amla 34
4 Nishoth 125
5 Senna 67
6 Pipal 8
7 Kali Mirch 8
8 Sonth 8
9 Nagkesar 8

Indications :

Habitual constipation and diseases where mild purgative is necessary .

Dosage :

Adults 1-2 tablets at bed time or as directed by the physician.

Packing :

Sealed bottles of 100 tablets.